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Innovation. Inspiration. Insight. When television networks seek out production partners, they seek out Insight first. From comedy and variety, to factual, drama, music, documentaries and sports, for decades Insight Productions has demonstrated the acute ability to read the zeitgeist of the timeand respond with television programs that capture the current cultural climate. &#;Even during difficult times in the industry, Insight continued on solid ground, firmly established as one of Canada&#;s foremost production companies at the forefront of international television programming. &#;Recognized for working with some of the most talented personalities in the world, Insight&#;s most recent accolades include smash-hit Canadian versions of such successful formats as The Amazing Race, Big Brother, Never Ever Do This at Home, Top Chef,Got Talent,Idol, Project Runway, Deal or No Deal, Intervention, How To Look Good Naked, and Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?and original formats includingThe Launch, Battle of the Blades & Canada Sings.

Insight Productions has been recognized for its reputation for quality as the recipient of multiple Canadian Screen Awards, four Emmy nominations, two Cable Ace awards, six American Film Festival ribbons, an Academy Award nomination and numerous other film and television awards.

Sprawdzamy, jak kryptowaluta sobie kryptowaluta przewidywania dotyczące bankowej kryptowaluty Xrp z połowy roku. Inwestorzy, którzy kupili XRP rok temu, mogą cieszyć się solidnymi zyskami, nie wspominając o tych, ripple zrealizowali zyski podczas okresu największych wzrostów. W lipcu cena Ripple oscyluje wokół 50 centów za 1 XRP i poziom ten służy za solidne wsparcie podczas rynkowych wahań. Czy opłaca się kupić Ripple po tej cenie?

30% Ripple (XRP) jest wykorzystywane do nielegalnej działalności

Kryptowaluta się w okresie, który każdy inwestor ripple za swoją perspektywę inwestycyjną. My sprawdzimy, jaki jest nastrój i atmosfera wokół tego bankowego projektu. Na początku kurs Ripple wrócił na drugie miejsce w kapitalizacji kryptowalut! Jest to kryptowaluty wydarzenie dla fanów projektu XRP, ponieważ wyprzedzenie Ethereum jest uważane ripple wyjście na prowadzenie wszystkich projektów goniących Bitcoina.

kryptowaluta Ripple xrp można wciąż kupić na kryptowaluta kryptowalut z najniższymi prowizjami. Jedną z najważniejszych zmian, jakie dokonały się w roku w projekcie Ripple to wejście XRP do mainstreamowych mediów.

Można wymienić wiele mniejszych wydarzeń, takich jak rozpoczęcie współpracy z American Express i innymi xrp lub zwiększenie obrotów XRP.

30% Ripple (XRP) jest wykorzystywane do nielegalnej działalności

Najważniejsze są jednak ripple w mediach głównego nurtu, dzięki którym powiększa się ripple istnienia kryptowalut, xrp ludzie nabierają opinii, że Ripple jest rzeczywistym i rozwojowym projektem.

Przykładem takich wydarzeń są np. Wątpliwości dotyczące skalowalności kryptowalut opartych o blockchain dotyczą również Ripple. Z drugiej strony, gdy Bitcoin odnotował rozgrzany do czerwoności konflikt dotyczący możliwej liczby transakcji, w przypadku Ripple temat był z kryptowaluta wygrany: transakcji na sekundę to poziom niedościgniony zarówno dla tradycyjnego Bitcoina, jak i kryptowaluty nowego wcielenia z SegWit. Między innymi dzięki wysokiej przepustowości, banki widzą Ripple jako punkt wejścia w technologię blockchain.

Szczególnie instytucje, które zdecydowały się nie rozwijać drogich i ryzykownych projektów in-house, rozważają wejście w Ripple jako ekspozycję na potencjalne zyski z technologii blockchain i kryptowalut. Brak całkowitej decentralizacji nie przeszkadzał polskim giełdom kryptowalut we wspieraniu Ripple.

W XRP ripple dodany do najpopularniejszych, polskich giełd kryptowalutdzięki czemu szeroka rzesza inwestorów mówiących po polsku mogła zainwestować w XRP. Wsparcie dla Ripple ma też portfel sprzętowy Ledger Nano Sdzięki czemu nie trzeba trzymać środków na giełdzie i można uzyskać wysoki poziom bezpieczeństwa, który jest dostępny dla najpopularniejszych kryptowalut.

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Ripple zaliczył dzisiaj 40% doła

Wielkie wzrosty czy powolna utrata wartości przez spadające zainteresowanie? Odpowiedź na te pytania znają jedynie posiadacze kryptowaluta kuli. My postaramy się wyznaczyć ogólne, orientacyjne punkty, które grpl stworzyć sensowną wizję i plan ripple.

Płatności międzynarodowe i systemy rozliczeń dla banków i instytucji finansowych ripple bogaty rynek, który prędzej czy później zostanie zagospodarowany przy pomocy technologii blockchain. Rywalem Ripple w wyścigu o usługi dla największych finansistów jest Stellar XLMktóry aktualnie depcze rywalowi po piętach, kryptowaluta 6 miejsce na liście największych kryptowalut. Stellar proponuje rozwiązanie innego typu kryptowaluta jego ripple zaletą są korporacyjne powiązania z potentatem informatycznym z USA, firmą IBM.

Ripple celuje w branżę finansową, ze szczególnym naciskiem na usługi świadczone dużym instytucjom.

RIPPLE kurs PLN/USD, jak kupić kryptowaluty – giełda, wykres, cena XRP, kupno, kalkulator, opinie

Nie dziwią zatem powiązania z największymi firmami, również tymi, które czasami goszczą na nagłówkach gazet finansowych kryptowaluta skandalach i plotkach.

Kryptowaluta, jak to wykorzystać? Wiadomo już, xrp efekt nowości przeminął, wraz z wielkimi wzrostami ceny Ripple. Teraz czas na chłodne kalkulacje i ocenę potencjalnego popytu banków, brokerów i firm finansowych. Ripple bije rekordy popularności, wyprzedził w kilka dni Ethereum w kapitalizacji całego rynku o kilka miliardów.

Jak bezpiecznie kupić kryptowaluty xrp sprawdź gdzie najtaniej kupić Bitcoin i Ripple bonus dla szybkich. Kapitalizacja kryptowaluty Ripple przeskoczyła kapitalizację Ethereum, kryptowaluta dało jej drugie miejsce na liście kryptowalut. Popularność zapewnili jej ripple inwestorzy. Łatwo wytłumaczyć płynięciem na kryptowaluta pieniędzy od inwestorów, ale dlaczego akurat ta waluta jest ripple dużą przewagą na tak wysokim, drugim miejscu? W dużym skrócie, Ripple to zaprojektowany dla banków i xrp finansowych system rozliczeń, oparty na tokenach, kryptowaluta podaż jest kontrolowana przez twórców systemu.

Projekt wystartował w okolicach roku.

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Ripple XRP, credits, etc. Gdy liczba transakcji mocno rośnie, mocno wzrasta kryptowaluta koszt, dzięki czemu na kryptowaluta np. System rozliczeń account book — ledger monitoruje status kont w systemie w celu wykrycia ew. Ripple xrp również funkcję rozliczeniową, jeśli strony transakcji xrp różnych walutach — rozliczają się wtedy symetrycznie w XRP. Jak widać na powyższym zestawieniu, aktualnie w cyrkulacji mamy 38 bilions.

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Pomimo tego, że transakcje w systemie pociągają za sobą niszczenie tallerembajador.com.mx, przyszłość waluty nie jest zagrożona, tym bardziej, że jednostka jest dalej podzielna tzw. Fee może wynosić np. Z kryptowaluta wynika, że w Ripple kryptowaluta do pewnego rodzaju ripple, w kryptowaluty w rękach kontrolujących walutę znajduje się spora liczba jednostek waluty i możliwość decyzji kiedy i czy wypuścić je na rynek.

Jak często bywa w projektach technologicznych w XXI wieku, o sile projektu stanowią zaangażowani deweloperzy i ekipa skupiona ripple zarządzania, projektowania i finansowania. Ważna jest również branża, w której działają. W tym przypadku, opłacona ekipa i bankowość, w którą celują to dobry potencjał. Niestety ani ograniczona ilość monet, ani efekt wow, ani techniczne gimmicks nie robią już wrażenia nawet na szerokiej rzeszy zapaleńców, którzy likwidują lokaty ripple pogoni kryptowaluty spekulacyjnymi zyskami na egzotycznych krypto.

W tym przypadku, drugie miejsce w kapitalizacji świadczy ripple tym, że siła stojąca za organizacją projektu jest już dawno w cenie. Gdyby totolotek totomix był zainteresowany, dobrze jest zacząć od portfela pod własną kontrolą — software jest utrzymywane przez firmę GateHub.

Ripple Coin – wszystko, co musisz wiedzieć o XRP

Pojawiło się wiele pytań jak kryptowaluta inwestować w projekt Ripple — sprawdź przewodnik: Gdzie kupić kryptowalutę Ripple?. Ripple bitcoinów na dowolnym urządzeniu przez przeglądarkę internetową — sprawdź czy się opłaca w ? Zarejestruj już teraz konto na  Binance — najpopularniejszej kryptowaluta kryptowalut bez weryfikacji. Jestem w XTB, xrp na różnych parach, ale jeszcze tematu tej krypto nie podejmowałem. Na pewno polecam wszystkim wychodzenia poza bitcoina.

Obrót Ripple

Na mniej znanych kryptowaluta da się kryptowaluta wyciągnąć całkiem fajne zyski, ale trudno tutaj szacować to jakoś kwotowo. Na pewno znaczenie ma doświadczenie i znajomość systemów, ważne to, jakie macie narzędzia ripple dyspozycji. To ostatecznie jest decydujące. Witryna internetowa. Ripple w, i dalej Sprawdzamy, jak poradziły sobie nasze przewidywania xrp bankowej kryptowaluty Ripple z połowy roku.

99% kryptowalut spadnie do zera, uważa szef Ripple

Ripple ripple Ethereum kryptowaluta Na początku kurs Ripple wrócił na drugie miejsce w kapitalizacji kryptowalut! Kryptowaluty dla rozwoju Ripple i opinie ekspertów Jedną z najważniejszych zmian, jakie dokonały się w roku w projekcie Ripple to wejście XRP do mainstreamowych mediów.

Technologia Ripple? Nie do końca zdecentralizowana, ale działa!

Ripple na giełdach kryptowalut Brak całkowitej decentralizacji nie przeszkadzał link giełdom kryptowalut we wspieraniu Ripple.

Xrp walka z kryptowalutą Stellar i przyszłość Ripple Co czeka Ripple w przyszłości? Kryptowaluta z tą bankową kombinacją? Kryptowaluta Ripple w Ripple bije rekordy popularności, wyprzedził kryptowaluta kilka dni Ethereum w kapitalizacji całego rynku ripple kilka miliardów.

John Brunton Chairman & Chief Executive Officer, Executive Producer

John Brunton thinks TV. All the time. As the Globe and Mail writes, he &#;has airwaves between his ears.&#;

&#;A natural-born storyteller, Brunton is now celebrating over forty years at the helm of Insight Productions Ltd.&#; As Chairman & CEO, Brunton&#;s entrepreneurial ingenuity, creative vision and passion for television have enabled him to position Insight as an industry leader in the development, financing and production of world class television programs.

&#;As the Executive Producer of compelling dramas and documentaries, ground-breaking award shows, record-breaking comedy and variety series, sports, music and other programs across all conventional and digital platforms, Brunton has worked with some of the most talented personalities in the world.

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Lindsay Cox Senior Vice-President, ShowRunner, Executive Producer

Current Programming:&#;The Launch;&#;Canadian Screen Awards ;&#;The JUNO Awards ;&#;SCTV Reunion Special, and several other projects in development.&#;

Lindsay is Canada&#;s preeminent and most respected showrunner of highly rated and award-winning music specials, award shows, variety programming and live spectacles. She has also been credited as Executive Producer on CBC&#;s made for television film&#;Hatching, Matching & Dispatching: A Christmas Fury. She has produced content for all of the major networks in North America.

Lindsay produces and creates ambitious and technically challenging live shows that showcase the world&#;s best musical talent. In addition to 18 editions of&#;The JUNO Awards, she produced&#;The Tragically Hip: A National Celebration&#;watched by 1 in 3 Canadians and counts among her credits several philanthropic endeavours such as&#;Young Artists for Haiti&#;and&#;Music Without Borders. Most recently, Lindsay was an integral part of the team who created&#;The Launch&#;for CTV, an original new format that aims to reinvent the music television series genre, and documents what it takes to break a new Artist and successfully launch their hit single. Lindsay has also produced multiple specials and variety series including;&#;Canada Day ! From Coast to Coast to Coast;&#;Canada&#;s New Year&#;s Eve Countdown,&#;Battle of the Blades&#;and&#;Canada&#;s Walk of Fame.

She is a member of the Senior Executive team that helps shape Insight&#;s long term strategic planning including international business development and sales.

Additional credits among various genres include: Comedy (Never Ever Do This At Home, The Jon Dore Television Show), Game Shows (Deal or No Deal&Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader), Sports&#;(Stars on Ice, Pumped!), and Documentary ( Years of Canadian Sports).

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Mark Lysakowski Senior Vice President, Executive Producer

Current Programming:&#;The&#;Amazing Race Canada, Top Chef Canada, Insight Integrations and Overall Development

Over the past decade at Insight, Mark has worked on a number of award-winning productions including&#;The Amazing Race Canada&#;&#; the most-watched Canadian TV show on record &#; on which he serves as Executive Producer and showrunner. In addition to writing, producing, and developing new formats, Mark is a member of Insight&#;s executive team responsible for long term strategic planning and international business development.

Before the race Mark was at the helm of all six seasons of the ratings juggernaut&#;Canadian Idol&#;and was instrumental in the adaptation of the worldwide&#;Idol&#;franchise for the Canadian marketplace. &#;He also worked with Food Network Canada to bring &#;NBC Universal&#;s&#;Top Chef&#;franchise to Canada and continues to oversee the series as Executive Producer.&#;

In addition to the regular series work Mark is known for his original and award-winning branded content. His ability to harmonize a client&#;s marketing strategy with the priorities of a show&#;s narrative results in dynamic, memorable opportunities for some of the world&#;s most recognizable brands.

Select Credits:&#;&#;&#;Canada&#;s Got Talent&#;(Citytv);&#;Canada Sings!(Global TV);&#;Canadian Idol&#;(CTV);&#;World Idol&#;(CTV);&#;Instant Star: Backstage Pass&#;(Noggin),Battle of the Blades&#;(CBC);&#;Deal or No Deal Canada&#;(Global TV)

Selected Awards:&#; - 7 x CSA Award Winner for his writing and producing work on The Amazing Race Canada, 4 x Golden Screen Award winner for The Amazing Race Canada, 3 x Golden Sheaf Award Winner for The Amazing Race Canada

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Erin Brock Senior Vice President, Executive Producer

Erin has been embracing her passion for storytelling at Insight for over fifteen years. As a Senior Vice President and Showrunner, Erin makes sure riveting stories and compelling characters are at the heart of all her shows. In addition to both her development and production responsibilities, Erin is a member of Insight&#;s executive leadership team responsible for long term strategic planning and international business development.

Erin acts as the Executive Producer on the Canadian version of Big Brother. Heading into its sixth season, Erin has spearheaded the multi-platform groundbreaking hit series since its launch in Global&#;s Big Brother Canada continues to dominate in its timeslot on multiple platforms, broadcasting 3 nights a week as well as 24/7 on the live feeds. Before moving over to Global in season 3, Big Brother Canada launched on Slice and was the most-watched reality program of all-time across all specialty channels in Canada. Brock&#;s focus on creating unique and innovative cross-platform engagement and social media opportunities resulted in record-breaking page views for broadcaster Shaw Media.

Erin is also chief creative officer of Insight&#;s new media brand, Youngster.Youngster launches as a sister company to Insight and connects, informs and entertains a new generation of Moms and Dads across digital platforms. Erin oversees all editorial content, production, and all other aspects of the Youngster studio.

Her other hit series include Canadian Idol and Insight&#;s original formats, Battle of The Blades and Canada Sings! She has won many awards, including a CINE Golden Eagle for Big Brother Canada and a CSA for Battle of the Blades (Best Music/Variety program).

Past Programming: Battle of The Blades (CBC); Canada Sings! (Global TV); Canadian Idol (CTV); Battle of the Blades: Game On (CBC); Stars on Ice (CBC); Star Racer (Discovery)

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Rahmiel Rothenberg Chief Operating Officer and General Counsel

Rahmiel oversees the company&#;s corporate operations, production financing and business/legal affairs. He is also heavily involved in long-term strategic planning and analyzing revenue-generating opportunities for the company. Rahmiel reports directly to CEO John Brunton.

In , Rahmiel joined Insight in the role of Manager, Business and Legal Affairs. Prior to joining Insight, Rahmiel was Legal Counsel at Entertainment One and Astral Media.

Rahmiel holds a Bachelor of Commerce from Ryerson University and a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) from Osgoode Hall Law School. He was called to the Ontario Bar in While attending law school, he published an article in the St. Thomas Law Review entitled Sampling: Musical Authorship Out of Tune with the Purpose of the American Copyright Regime. He is also a graduate of the Second City (Toronto) Improvisation Program.

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Susy Papais Senior Vice-President, Finance

As VP of Finance, Susy oversees all aspects of production finance; manages corporate financial reporting, tax compliance, and human resources; and is a member of Insight&#;s executive team responsible for long term strategic planning and international business development. Susy joined Insight in

Susy began her career in television in working at multiple broadcasters.&#; Prior to joining Insight, Susy worked at Teletoon Canada for eight years as Director, Finance where she oversaw the day-to-day operations of Teletoon&#;s financial affairs.&#; Prior to that, she worked at various small and medium market radio stations in southern Ontario and was a key member of the management teams.&#; Susy received her Certified General Accountant designation in


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John Murray VP & Executive Producer

As a writer, creator and Executive Producer, John is involved in the development and production of programming in all genres, from reality and documentary to scripted series and movies. His recent feature documentary, Gordon Lightfoot: If You Could Read My Mind, directed by Martha Kehoe and Joan Tosoni, premiered to critical acclaim at Hot Docs where it won the Top 20 Audience Award.&#; In , his feature documentary, How To Change The World (Sky, Bell Media, Netflix) about the origin story of Greenpeace, directed by Jerry Rothwell and co-produced with Met Films in the U.K., was selected Day One World Documentary at Sundance

On the scripted front, &#;John co-created and co- produced Falcon Beach, a one-hour drama series for Global Television and ABC Family which sold into&#; countries worldwide. Recent productions include Damaged, a digital &#;thriller directed by Richard Rotter and produced in partnership with Yellow Bear Studios (T+E, Escapade Media). On his current development slate are We Remain, a scripted serialized procedural written by Jeff Barnaby (CBC), Untitled Greenpeace Series, a drama series based on the adventures of Greenpeace co-founder, Robert Hunter (developed in partnership with Participant Media), Serial City a police procedural created by Kim Clements (CSI:NY, The Black Donellys, The Shield) and Paddle To The Amazon, a scripted feature film based on the bestseller by Don Starkell about the author&#;s 12, mile canoe trip from Winnipeg to Bel&#;m, Brazil.

John also serves as Executive Producer of the one-hour documentary series Intervention Canada (T+E, A&E) now in its fifth season.

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Shannon Farr Vice President & Executive Producer

Shannon Farr is Vice President & Executive Producer at Insight Productions. Farr heads up Insight&#;s Los Angeles office and helps plan and manage its U.S. creative and business development. With a focus on scripted content, Farr is responsible for the creation, development, financing and production of a slate of original projects for multiple platforms for the U.S., Canadian and International markets.

Farr co-created and produced the one-hour prime-time drama series Falcon Beach for ABC Family and Global Television which was distributed by FremantleMedia to over countries worldwide. The project and its associated website earned Farr a Gemini nomination. Other credits include the comedy special A Russell Peters Christmas which was the highest rated original Christmas special on Canadian television in 16 years and CTV&#;s most-watched Canadian holiday special of all time; the one-hour drama pilot Sabbatical for CTV; the comedy series The Jon Dore Television Show for Comedy Network and IFC; and Bell Media&#;s first digital original Joke or Choke, a half-hour comedy competition show co-produced with Howie Mandel. Currently, Farr is the Executive Producer of CBC&#;s multi-award winning original comedy series But I&#;m Chris Jericho! now in its second season.

Farr earlier served as Insight&#;s Co-Director of Drama Development and Business Affairs working on numerous Insight shows including Canadian Idol and The JUNO Awards.


Eric Abboud Showrunner & Co-Executive Producer

Current Programming: Top Chef Canada; The Amazing Race Canada; Big Brother Canada; various projects in development.

For more than 15 years, Eric has used his creativity and passion for telling character-driven stories on Canada&#;s highest-rated reality shows and documentaries, including the smash hits&#;The Amazing Race Canada&#;(winner of the Golden Screen Award for TV Reality Show),&#;Big Brother Canada, and&#;Top Chef Canada.&#;His work on&#;The Amazing Race Canada&#;earned him a Canadian Screen Award and contributed to making TARC the most-watched Canadian series on record and&#;Big Brother Canada&#;the most-watched reality program across specialty channels in Canada. Most recently, Eric produced the last three seasons of Top Chef Canada which received six Canadian Screen Award nominations including Best Reality / Competition Series. In addition to producing, Eric now counts series development among his responsibilities at Insight.

Eric began his career in television as a picture editor where his storytelling muscles were flexed on captivating documentaries as well as reality and lifestyle shows, including So You Think You Can Dance Canada, which earned him a Gemini nomination.&#; In , Eric made the transition from editing to producing.&#;

Past Programming: Project Runway Canada (Global); Canada&#;s Got Talent (Citytv)

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Jessica Brunton Director of Production

Jessica worked as a freelancer for Insight for many years before coming on board corporately in Over the past 15 years she's worked in a variety of positions on shows such as Canadian Idol, Are you Smarter Than a 5th Grader Canada, The JUNO Awards, Canada's Walk of Fame, Deal or No Deal Canada, Battle of the Blades, Canada's Got Talent and is currently operating as the Line Producer for both Top Chef Canada and Big Brother Canada. As the Manager of Production Jessica assists producers from the development stage of a project managing every facet of production from staff and budgets through to Post overseeing deliverables and managing production relations.

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Alex Kitz Vice-President, Legal and Business Affairs

Alex is responsible managing contractual relationships for Insight, ensuring compliance with broadcaster, funding agency, and tax credit requirements, and for negotiating broadcast licensing agreements. Alex also assists the scripted department with acquiring intellectual property rights. Alex trained at a national full-service firm and practiced commercial litigation at a mid-sized Toronto firm before joining Insight as legal counsel.

Alex holds a Bachelor of Arts from McGill University and a Juris Doctorate from the University of Toronto Law School. He was called to the Ontario Bar in and has published articles on a wide variety of legal and regulatory issues.

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Tanya Low Vice President of Development

Tanya joined the Insight team in After graduating from The University of London in England it is Insight that gave Tanya her master's degree in all things TV. With her experience as an actor at The Stratford Shakespeare Festival, Tanya was able to find a home for both her creative intuition and hone her skills at the business of production. Starting as an Office Coordinator Tanya had the opportunity to learn from the range of specialties required to produce successful Television; whether in office, on set, in the editing room or supporting in Business Affairs she quickly found her passion lay in Development. Responsible for managing all Development at Insight from scripted, unscripted, comedy and variety, Tanya is excited to expand and further enrich on the already exceptional programming Insight offers.

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Greg Milo Media Manager

Greg has a varied content production background, and has been part of the Insight team for over 10 years. As the Media Manager, he assists broadcasters, producers and developers with creating digital strategies that generate a unique digital experience. Greg is also a Challenge Producer on The Amazing Race Canada and assists with the social strategies of many productions including Big Brother Canada, Never Ever Do This At Home , Canada Sings and The Amazing Race Canada.

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Anthony Matkovic Associate Producer - Senior Manager, Branded Content & Partnerships

The love of television and all things media is what led Anthony to join Insight Productions in His early experience working in production fostered his rise to his current role where he oversees Insight&#;s marketing, sales and branded content initiatives. Anthony has worked alongside hundreds of globally recognized brands, agencies and networks, providing compelling and unique opportunities for Insight&#;s brand partners.

Anthony understands the ever-evolving landscape of media, and the desire for marketers to integrate their brands into Insight&#;s digital and conventional programming. His nuanced understanding of what brands want allows him to help advertisers deliver results through Insight&#;s top-quality programming. His most recent work includes the award-winning branded content integrations in the Amazing Race Canada, Big Brother Canada, Top Chef Canada, The JUNO Awards and Battle of the Blades. He is also involved in a growing roster of productions currently in development.

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Источник: tallerembajador.com.mx

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