Lending calculator bitcoin

lending calculator bitcoin

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Crypto Compound Interest Calculator Bitcoin & Ethereum

According to Albert Einstein, “compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world”. “He who understands it, earns it; he who doesn’t, pays it”, continued one of the greatest geniuses the world has ever seen.

Compound interest is a common financial tool on the stock market. Today, you’ll learn all about this tool and how to use it with your crypto investments. We’ll go through the most popular platforms that offer this service and carefully compare their rates.

Finally, we’ll tell you how our crypto compound interest calculator can help you better plan your crypto investment strategies.

Let’s get started!

What Is Compound Interest?

If you want to manage your finances well and earn higher returns on savings and investments, you should look into the concept of compound interest.

Compound interest is basically the interest you get on existing interest. It’s earned and added on top of the money that you have previously earned on your simple interest. Over time, compounding can result in an exponential growth of your account balance at an increasing rate. This is known as “the miracle of compound interest”.

Let’s imagine that you make an initial deposit of $ to your savings account. Your deposit earns a 5% annual interest so, after one year, you will have $ The following year, you earn 5% interest on your previous interest which brings your balance to $, and so on.

This is an example of interest compounded annually, but there are also banks that do this semiannually or quarterly. The more frequent the compounding, the higher the gains. If you want to accrue compound interest at a higher rate, you should start saving early because the interest can grow exponentially after 10 or 20 years.

If you buy a $2 coffee every single day for a year that would cost you $ If you decide to save that money and invest them into your savings account, with a 5% interest rate, you’ll have $ in five years. Not bad at all, right?

Compound Interest and the Stock Market

Compound interest has significant implications for stock market investors when done using a carefully laid out strategy. It also requires one crucial thing &#; a lot of patience, because as we said before, interest accrues over time.

The investment options on the market range from company shares, index funds, ETFs, mutual funds, bonds, etc.

Typically, you would invest money that you don’t plan on spending in the next five years. You should always keep a portion of your funds as fixed income, and invest the remaining portion, taking into account your age and life situation.

To invest in stocks, you need to open an investment account that can either be a standard brokerage account or an individual retirement account (IRA). If you’re just investing to save some money for rainy days, a brokerage account will do the work and allow you to access your funds more easily.

Compounding Bitcoin Interest

Stock market investors aren’t the only ones who can benefit from compound interest. Thanks to the amazing trading volumes and crypto market cap in recent years, some online platforms have started to offer services that allow crypto investors to increase their crypto holdings.

For a long time, the main investment strategy of crypto investors was to hold onto their cryptocurrencies long-term, hoping their value climbs up exponentially in the future. They store crypto online in digital wallets provided by crypto exchanges or purchase hardware wallets for even better protection.

However, this doesn’t guarantee high returns because the price of the crypto assets might experience a dramatic fall or remain more or less the same during that time. What crypto investors can do to make the most out of their crypto investments is to capitalize on compound interest.

The process is no different from investing in the stock market or creating a savings account but instead of depositing fiat currency, you deposit Bitcoin, Ethereum, or another crypto.

Let’s say you deposit 1 BTC on a platform that offers a 6% interest rate and compounds the deposit monthly. After one month your balance will grow to  BTC which means that you’ve earned  BTC during that time. The next month you’ll earn additional interest on your starting interest and your balance will be  BTC.

This interest-earning process goes on until you decide to withdraw your funds.

How to Get Started with
Crypto Compound Interest

Different platforms offer different interest and APY rates (Annual Percentage Yield), which changes the impact of your crypto compound interest.


The best place where you can earn competitive compound interest rates on your crypto is BlockFi, an NYC-based lending platform founded in  and backed by one of the leading crypto exchanges, Gemini.

The BlockFi Interest Account allows customers to store BTC, ETH, LTC, PAX Gold, USDC, GUSD, PAX, and USDT (only for non-US users) and increase their balances with time by earning compound interest in crypto.

BlockFi has offered the best interest rate on the market since the very beginning. At the onset of the COVID pandemic and Bitcoin’s crash, BlockFi has unexpectedly raised its interest rates to address the new market changes and show its customers that the company has their back.

From April , users holding BTC on BlockFi earn a % APY, while those holding up to ETH earn a % APY. Stablecoins’ rates have remained the same, with % APY interest rates.

The platform lets you withdraw your funds anytime, with one free withdrawal per month.


tallerembajador.com.mx is a crypto exchange that offers crypto compound interest services. Users can choose from a wide range of cryptocurrencies including BTC, ETH, LTC, XRP, BNB, BAT, BCH, ADA, PAX, EOS, XLM, USDT (all except US citizens), the native token CRO, and many more.

Once they make a deposit, users need to choose one of the following holding term options: flexible holding, 1-month fixed term, or 3-month fixed term. Based on the cryptocurrency and the term they choose, tallerembajador.com.mx users enjoy different APR rates.

For example, if you decide to store BTC, you earn % APR with flexible holding, 3% with 1-month fixed holding, and with 3-month holding.

tallerembajador.com.mx users can enjoy up to 2% better APR rates if they stake CRO tokens on the platform.

Celsius Network

Celsius Network is a crypto platform and mobile app founded in that serves more than , people around the globe. Apart from buying and selling coins, users can earn compound interest payments on their cryptos if they decide to store them in the platform’s cold storage as a deposit.

You can choose to deposit one of the following tokens to the app: BTC, ETH, XRP, BCH, EOS, stablecoins, and the platform’s native token, the Celsius Token (CEL). The company loans these coins to retail and institutional borrowers and pays your compound interest every Monday.

The rate varies depending on the digital asset. Holding BTC, for example, can give you between % APY. Users decide whether they want their interest to be paid in the same crypto-asset they’re holding or in CEL which generates slightly higher returns.

Binance Savings

The popular global trading platform Binance now lets its users earn passive crypto income through its Binance Lending or Savings service. Basically, if you decide to deposit your cryptocurrencies, Binance will lend them to margin traders on the platform and pay interest to you.

You can make a fixed or flexible deposit. The fixed deposit means you lock your funds for a predetermined period of time and interest rate. The flexible one allows you to withdraw your funds whenever you want but the interest rate might be lower because it can change over time.

You can lend BTC, ETH, BUSD (Binance USD), USDT, etc. Compared to other platforms, Binance has lower interest rates. If you deposit Bitcoin, you earn around % APY.

How Compound Interest Works

There’s a special compound interest formula that calculates the total interest you can earn based on your holdings. Let’s break it down for you:

A = P (1 + r/n)nt

A = the total amount of money including the accumulated interest

P = the principal amount

r = the annual interest rate (as a decimal)

n = the number of times the interest has been compounded

t = time, number of years

The calculations and estimations are a bit different when it comes to crypto compound interest, because the price of the crypto asset will most likely experience some ups and downs during that time.

To make things easier for you, we’ve created a crypto compound interest calculator that helps you calculate the total amount of interest within seconds.

You need to insert the principal amount of BTC (or another crypto) that you’re going to deposit and specify whether you’ll make any additional deposits during the holding term or not. You’ll include the compounding interest rate of the platform you’re using and the holding term you’ve agreed on.

The calculator will do the math for you and tell you the future value of your investment, by adding an estimate of the price change of the asset as well. Therefore, based on the crypto price change and the accrued interest, you’ll make your final judgment.

Источник: tallerembajador.com.mx

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