Bitcointalk antpool

bitcointalk antpool

BITMAIN announces Antpool. miner.exe -a algo -o stratum+tcp://examplecoin.​ -u Offering escrow services​topic=5154480 leave me a message on Discord. I have some BTC I earned while mining on AntPool, but I am not seeing any way to withdraw I am not able to use Antpool, whether I try with my S9, S7, or L3+. I am mining just fine elsewhere though. I have never had this problem before.

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Bitcointalk antpool - speaking

【About ETN】

ETN is the abbreviation for ELECTRONEUM, uses Cryptonight algorithm.

ETN official website:

ETN block explorer:

Mining equipment: can be mined with CPU and Graphics card or with Cryptonight ASIC miner 

AntPool ETN mining address:stratum+tcp://

【Obtain Wallet Address】

Official wallet: 

Register to, after login, you can use the public wallet address.

Exchanges:  or  or

(References are provided for informational purposes only. The selection of wallet and exchange is at your own risk and discretion)

Mobile wallet: 

Search for "Electroneum" in app store directly, download and get the wallet address.

【Obtain GPU mining software and mining configuration】

ETN can be mined using Graphics Card. You need to download software to mine with GPU.

Recommended ETN mining software (for reference only, please choose on your own needs)

AntPool Version:

Baidu Netdisk:

Code: yypx 

Original Version:

Official mining software for N card:

Xmrig version:

Ccminer version:

Official mining software for A card:

Xmrig version:

Claymore version:

To configure GPU mining software please note:

1. Ensure that the ETN pool address and port are correct:

2. Modify the wallet address and worker number (Remember to keep the "dot" between the wallet address and the worker number)

3. When making any modification, only modify the corresponding characters, do not delete any spacing or punctuation, otherwise the software will not be able to mine normally.

1)    NVIDIA card mining

Xmrig version:download the mining software, find and right click on the "start" file and select “Edit”. 

Confirm the mining pool address and port number, modify the wallet address and worker number. The parameter settings are as follows:

xmrig-nvidia.exe –donate-level 2 -o -u WalletAddress.WorkerNumber -p x -k

As shown below:

Save the "start.cmd" file after completing the modification and double-click to start mining.

Note: Some exchanges require Payment ID for ETN transaction. In this case, please remember to fill in the Payment ID together with your wallet address, otherwise you will not be able to receive your earnings. The -u format with a payment ID is: Wallet Address.Payment ID.Worker Number

Ccminer version: download the mining software, find and right click on the "start" file and select “Edit”. 

Confirm the mining pool address and port number, modify the wallet address and worker number. The parameter settings are as follows:

ccminer-x64.exe -a cryptonight -o stratum+tcp:// -u WalletAddress.WorkerNumber -p x

As shown below:

Save the "start.cmd" file after completing the modification and double-click to start mining.

Note: Some exchanges require Payment ID for ETN transaction. In this case, please remember to fill in the Payment ID together with your wallet address, otherwise you will not be able to receive your earnings. The -u format with a payment ID is: Wallet Address.Payment ID.Worker Number

2)    AMD card mining

Xmrig version:download the mining software, find and right click on the "start " file and select “Edit”. 

Confirm the mining pool address and port number, modify the wallet address and worker number. The parameter settings are as follows:

xmrig-amd.exe –donate-level 2 -o -u WalletAddress.WorkerNumber -p x -k

As shown below:

Save the "start.cmd" file after completing the modification and double-click to start mining.

Note: Some exchanges require Payment ID for ETN transaction. In this case, please remember to fill in the Payment ID together with your wallet address, otherwise you will not be able to receive your earnings. The -u format with a payment ID is: Wallet Address.Payment ID.Worker Number

Claymore version:download the mining software, find and right click on the "start " file and select “Edit”. 

Confirm the mining pool address and port number, modify the wallet address and worker number. The parameter settings are as follows:

NsGpuCNMiner.exe -xpool –xwal WalletAddress.WorkerNumber -xpsw x

As shown below:

Save the "start.bat" file after completing the modification and double-click to start mining.

Note: Some exchanges require Payment ID for ETN transaction. In this case, please remember to fill in the Payment ID together with your wallet address, otherwise you will not be able to receive your earnings. The -xwal format with a payment ID is: Wallet Address.Payment ID.Worker Number

3)    CPU mining

For Cryptonight algorithm, the computing power of CPU mining is too low. It is not 

recommended to mine ETN with CPU. 

【ASIC miner configuration】

At present, AntMiner X3 supports ETN mining with a hash rate of 220kH/s. X3 can be purchased following this link: You can also mine ETN with other Cryptonight ASIC miners. 

X3 miner configuration is as follows:

1)obtain miner IP to login management backstage

Detailed instruction on how to download and how to use software (IP Reporter software) to obtain miner IP please refer to:

After obtaining the miner IP, enter IP into the browser (recommended to use Google or Firefox browser), and you will be directed to the miner management backstage, default username and password are both "root" (in lowercase)

2)  Set mining parameters

After logging into the management backstage, click on the “Miner Configuration-General Settings” page to modify the mining parameters.

Parameter Descriptions:

URL: stratum+tcp://

Worker: Fill in as "ETN Wallet Address.Woker Number"

Password: No need to modify (default password is 123 or x)

After the configuration is completed, click “Save&Apply” to start mining.

【Check Hash rate and Earnings】

Visit AntPool official website and click on "Labs", enter your ETN wallet address in the search bar and click “Search”, you can then view your hash rate and earnings: 

Note: If you use Payment ID, please enter your ETN wallet address.PaymentID in the search bar and click “Search”, you can then view your hash rate and earnings

Note:Please make sure to use a valid wallet address for mining. AntPool will not be responsible for any loss of earnings caused by wrong wallet configuration.

Should you have any question during mining, please contact our customer service center:

bitcointalk antpool

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