Withdraw bitcoin to usd

withdraw bitcoin to usd

I will show you how to withdraw Bitcoins to cash using a broker For example, if you want to sell Bitcoin for USD, a wire transfer is $25. Using an exchange means you have the option to either turn your bitcoin into USD and withdraw the funds to. You can either exchange it for a fiat currency (e.g. USD, GBP) or for another cryptocurrency, such as Bitcoin (BTC) or Ethereum (ETH). To convert the BCH into.

Withdraw bitcoin to usd - that would

Withdraw bitcoin to usd - congratulate

How can I withdraw USD?

If you are a Gold or Platinum verified user you will have the ability to withdraw USD to any bank account which you have also used to make a deposit. Our weekly withdrawal limits can be viewed here.


1. Navigate to your Total Account Value window and select Withdraw.

2. Click USD in the Currency drop-down menu, select the linked bank account you would like to withdraw to in the Destination EUR Address tab. If you have not linked a bank account previously, you will be asked to make a small deposit from the bank you wish to withdraw from. 

3. Enter the amount you would like to withdraw as well as your 2FA (Two-Factor Authentication) code from your Google Authenticator App and select Withdraw.

Please note:

- The Minimum withdrawal amount for USD is $1000.

- You will be charged a fixed fee for every USD withdrawal you make, for Domestic transfers you will be charged $25 and for international transfers you will be charged $30. The fee will be deducted from your total account value unless you make a withdrawal for the full amount of USD you have, in which case the fee will be deducted from the withdrawal amount instead. For more info on Fiat Deposit/Withdrawal fees please click on this link.

- You will need to have your 2FA security settings enabled in order to make a withdrawal, if you haven't done this you can use this link to update your settings.

-Your withdrawal should appear in your bank account within 1-2 days but can take up to 4 business days depending on your bank. 

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Источник: https://exchange-support.blockchain.com/hc/en-us/articles/360031620231-How-can-I-withdraw-USD-

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